Pulte Group

The Pulte Group will present the following information to the Coweta County Commissioners on Tuesday July 11 at 6 PM at the County’s Development offices in downtown Newnan. The expectation is that the Commissioners will deliver a Yes or No verdict on the 55 + Del Webb resort proposal at this meeting. 
The major change from Pulte‘s original 2022 attempt to establish their Newnan 55 + Resort is that the Phase 5 has been removed from the east side of Posey Road that would have joined back to back with Springwater Plantation. This has resulted in 1236 homes being reduced to 964 homes. Should the Commissioners deliver a 'yes vote', it is expected that construction would start late this year and involve only the main entrance off of Holtz Parkway, model homes and a large amenity center. Posey Road changes on the west side of the project would start in year 3 [late 2026 - early 2027] and involve the widening and re-pavement of Posey Road together with the construction of a round-about near the corners of Hammock, Baker and Posey roads. Overall project completion would be in year 2034. 
New Platt Map for Pulte 55+ Project June 2023--- no Phase 5 now next to Springwater on Posey Rd
View map HERE
Besides the Map (above), there are 3 other documents. They include:
1 - the full slate of 27 proposed variances, another map copy and berm and tree cover design layouts. 

 View proposed variances HERE

2 - a 10 page Socio Economic Study done by KB consulting of Atlanta for Pulte covers most impacts like transportation / traffic issues, property tax income to the county, construction jobs, ongoing business effects to the local community, School tax revenue,  etc.

 View report HERE

3 - a 10 page final presentation package by the Del Webb Pulte Group to be delivered to the Commissioners at July 11, 2023 meeting.

 View presentation HERE

As other information becomes available, this section of Springwater‘s website will be updated.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tom Drolet.